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The AppDriver is responsible for:

  • Launching the application being tested.
  • Finding Elements in the visual tree.
  • Providing Keyboard access.
  • Taking pictures of the application.
  • Recording screencaps.


void Dispose()

Closes the application under test. Dispose is typically not called directly.


// Calls Dispose implicitly.
using var appDriver = AppDriver.Launch("./MyApp.exe");

// Calls Dispose directly.

static AppDriver Launch(string exePath, string? args = null)

Launches the application using the given exePath. Passes the args through to the application as standard command-line args. Enviroment variables such as %temp% are properly expanded.


using var appDriver = AppDriver.Launch(@"..\..\bin\Debug\MyApp.exe", @"--debug --verbose");
using var appDriver = AppDriver.Launch(@"%ProgramFiles%\CoolApp\ACoolApp.exe");

static AppDriver Launch(ProcessStartInfo processStartInfo)

Launches the application using the given processStartInfo. This is useful for more complicated scenarios that require setting environment variables and the like.


var p = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Path\To\MyApp.exe");
p.Environment.Add("TEST_MODE", "true");
p.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\TestEnvironment";
using var appDriver = AppDriver.Launch(p);

static AppDriver AttachTo(int processId)

Attaches the AppDriver to an existing process using the given processId. This is useful for scenarios where you want to handle the application launch process yourself.


var p = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Path\To\MyApp.exe"));
using var appDriver = AppDriver.AttachTo(p.Id);

static AppDriver AttachTo(string processName)

Attaches the AppDriver to an existing process using the given processName. This is useful for scenarios where you want to handle the application launch process yourself.


using var appDriver = AppDriver.AttachTo("MyCoolAppName");

Element GetElement(Func<Element, bool?> matcher, int timeoutMs = 30_000)

Returns the first element using the given matcher function with a time limit of timeoutMs. The default timeout is 30 seconds. The application is queried for its visual tree and each element is checked against the given matcher function. If none of the elements meet the criteria, the application is given time to update before being queried again.

A TimeoutException is thrown if no element matching the criteria is found within the given time limit.


// Find the root element.
var root = appDriver.GetElement(x => x.Parent is null);

// Find an input box by text.
var input = appDriver.GetElement(x => x["Text"] == "Enter an email.");

// Find a button by width and height.
var button = appDriver.GetElement(x => x["Width"] == 40 && x["Height"] == 40);

// Find a text box by name.
var textBox = appDriver.GetElement(x => x["Name"] == "AccountStatus");

T GetElement<T>(Func<Element, bool?> matcher, int timeoutMs = 30_000)

Returns the first element using the given matcher function with a time limit of timeoutMs. The default timeout is 30 seconds. The application is queried for its visual tree and each element is checked against the given matcher function. If none of the elements meet the criteria, the application is given time to update before being queried again.

T allows plugging in a custom Element class, eg GetElement<MyCustomElement>.

A TimeoutException is thrown if no element matching the criteria is found within the given time limit.


// Find the root element.
var root = appDriver.GetElement<MyApp>(x => x.Parent is null);

// Find an input box by text.
var input = appDriver.GetElement<CustomInput>(x => x["Text"] == "Enter an email.");

IReadOnlyList<Element> GetElements(Func<Element, bool?> matcher, int timeoutMs = 30_000)

Returns all elements using the given matcher function with a time limit of timeoutMs. The default timeout is 30 seconds. The application is queried for its visual tree and each element is checked against the given matcher function. If none of the elements meet the criteria, the application is given time to update before being queried again. If even a single element matches the given criteria, the result is returned.

An empty list is returned if no elements matching the criteria are found within the given time limit.


var elements = appDriver.GetElements(x => x["Name"].StartsWith("ListItem"));

IReadOnlyList<T> GetElements<T>(Func<Element, bool?> matcher, int timeoutMs = 30_000)

Returns all elements using the given matcher function with a time limit of timeoutMs. The default timeout is 30 seconds. The application is queried for its visual tree and each element is checked against the given matcher function. If none of the elements meet the criteria, the application is given time to update before being queried again. If even a single element matches the given criteria, the result is returned.

T allows plugging in a custom Element class, eg GetElements<MyCustomElement>.

An empty list is returned if no elements matching the criteria are found within the given time limit.


var elements = appDriver.GetElements<ListItem>(x => x["Name"].StartsWith("ListItem"));

void Screenshot(string fileOutputPath)

Takes a screenshot of the app and saves it to the given path. The AppDriver will briefly attempt to wait for the app to be idle before taking the screenshot.



byte[] Screenshot(ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.Jpeg)

Takes a screenshot of the app. Returns the bytes of the image. The AppDriver will briefly attempt to wait for the app to be idle before taking the screenshot.


var bytes = appDriver.Screenshot();
File.WriteAllBytes(@"C:\test-pic.jpg", bytes);

static IDisposable Record(string fileOutputPath, string? windowTitle = null)

Records the window with the given title, or the fullscreen if null is passed. Returns an IDisposable that stops recording when disposed. The recording must be stopped (disposed), or the recording will be corrupt. Only one recording at a time is allowed; multiple calls will end the original recording.


using var recordWindow = AppDriver.Record(@"C:\videos\test-vid.mp4", appDriver.Process.MainWindowTitle);
using var recordFullscreen = AppDriver.Record(@"C:\videos\test-vid.mp4");

Keyboard Keyboard

Returns the Keyboard instance associated with the appDriver.


appDriver.Keyboard.Type("Hello world");

Process Process

Returns the Process associated with the appDriver.


var processId = appDriver.Process.Id;